A tummy tuck is a surgery that helps eliminate extra skin and fat from your tummy. It can help you look and feel better about yourself. There are countless benefits of a tummy tuck. One of the most significant advantages is how this surgery tightens and slims the belly area.

Additional benefits of a tummy tuck are:

  •  Improves belly smoothness
  •  Reduces loose and stretched skin
  •  Reduces stomach pooch and fatty tissue
  •  Improves the way clothes look and fit
  •  Increases self-confidence
  •  Restores abdominal muscles
  •  Improves lower back and abdominal muscle pain
  •  Reduces the appearance of stretch marks
  •  Creates a slimmer overall appearance

Understanding A Traditional Tummy Tuck

A traditional tummy tuck is the most popular type of stomach sculpting procedure. This surgery helps tighten and contour the lower tummy area by removing fatty tissue and excess skin. This is a common surgery for women who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth. During this procedure, a surgeon makes a horizontal incision under the belly button area and removes unwanted fat and skin. Additionally, another incision is made around the belly button. In this area, liposuction is used to sculpt and shape the tummy and tighten the stomach muscles. Liposuction is a method that uses a small, hollow tube called a cannula. The surgeon makes small incisions in the targeted area and inserts the cannula to suction the excess fat cells. The cannula is carefully moved back and forth beneath the skin to break up the fat cells. These fat cells are sucked out through the tube, producing more desirable body contours. Liposuction can be done on various body parts, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck.

As a result, the belly looks slimmer and more toned. The skin is stretched down and stitched back together. The belly button is often repositioned to create a natural and symmetrical-looking stomach. This procedure generally removes two to four inches from a patient’s waistline.

A traditional tummy tuck requires local anesthesia, which takes a few hours. After the procedure, patients must rest and recover for a few days. Patients experience pain and discomfort, so pain medication is given to manage this and remain comfortable. Some individuals may also experience swelling and bruising in the abdomen area. Therefore, wearing a compression garment reduces swelling and supports proper healing. Patients are also to avoid strenuous activities such as exercise or heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks.

Following a standard tummy tuck surgery, patients are encouraged to follow a healthy, balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids. Doing so significantly aids in the healing process. Smoking and drinking alcohol are to be avoided during the recovery process. It may take several weeks for any swelling to go down and for incisions to heal fully. A tummy tuck scar extends from hip to hip bone and can be concealed under a swimsuit.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Nico's journey with tummy tuck plastic surgery showing his before and after results.

Mini Tummy Tuck / Partial Abdominoplasty

Compared to a traditional tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck is a smaller, less invasive procedure. A mini tummy tuck is also referred to as a partial abdominoplasty and only removes a small amount of excess fat and skin from the lower region of the stomach. This surgery is a good alternative for individuals who want to eliminate a small amount of fat and skin from their lower belly and flatten their “pot belly.” During the procedure, a tiny incision is made close to the pubic area and removes a small amount of skin. A surgeon may also use liposuction to remove any extra fatty tissue. Using the liposuction technique, the surgeon can remove stubborn fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise and successfully reshape and refine the body. Sometimes, the stomach muscles are tightened too. Unlike a classic tummy tuck, this surgery is shorter in duration, and healing time is faster. Additionally, patients are left with a smaller scar.

Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck is an alternative method for those needing a larger amount of extra skin or fat taken from their lower tummy, hips, and love handle area. Individuals who have lost a great amount of weight commonly choose this body sculpting procedure to remove the excess skin. An extended tummy tuck is an excellent option for women who have experienced multiple pregnancies and wish to tighten their abdominal walls.

Compared to the previous tummy tuck procedures above, this type of surgery is more complicated. It involves a larger incision above the bikini line, which extends from hip to hip. Additionally, the belly button is moved and repositioned to look more symmetrical. A surgeon removes any extra fat and skin and tightens the abdominal muscles. Because this surgery is more extensive, patients remain in the hospital and are safely monitored overnight. Post-surgery, patients may have drainage tubes to help get rid of extra liquid. The surgeon will instruct how to keep the area clean and remove the tubes a few days later. The surgical scar from this type of tummy tuck can be concealed under underwear or a bathing suit. However, it may not be fully hidden for some patients.


A panniculectomy is another type of tummy tuck surgery that removes extra skin and fat from the lower belly area (pannus). This surgery benefits people who have lost an enormous amount of weight or have excess skin folds that hang and impact their mobility due to weight loss surgery. This tummy tuck surgery effectively removes hanging skin and improves patients’ ability to move around.

This tummy tuck procedure is considered a more complex type of surgery as it removes more fat and skin. This surgery delivers dramatic results for patients greatly affected by the amount of loose skin left behind from extreme weight loss. However, it is a good idea to understand that a panniculectomy is a major surgery that requires careful consideration and consultation with a doctor.

Reverse Tummy Tuck

A reverse tummy tuck is ideal for men and women with a more toned lower tummy with loose, sagging skin above their belly button area. Unlike a standard tummy tuck, this option targets the upper torso area to create a more balanced-looking appearance. This surgery is a great method to remove loose skin and fat in the upper torso and create a lean and toned upper stomach.

A surgeon makes incisions below the chest, eliminating excess fatty tissue and flabby skin. This body sculpting surgery removes loose, hanging skin and reshapes the upper stomach to create a slimmer physique. Often, surgeons also use liposuction to remove unwanted fatty tissue during surgery. The loose skin is cut away and pulled tight where the incisions are made. Unlike a standard tummy tuck, the reverse tummy tuck does not tighten the abdominal muscles.

Tummy Tuck Procedures Near Me

A tummy tuck in Chicago may be a great solution if you are unhappy with your loose belly skin and desire a tighter and sculpted stomach. Discover all the tummy tuck options available by contacting Concierge Aesthetic And Plastic Surgery. We are a leading provider of body sculpting procedures in Chicago, also serving the Gold Coast, Naperville, Barrington, and Geneva areas. Our body contouring experts are ready to help create a custom tummy tuck procedure tailored to meet your budget and body goals. Call us at 312-255-1495 or visit us online to learn more about how a body sculpting surgery can boost your confidence and provide you with the tighter, toned physique you have always wanted.

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