As we get older, we start to see fine lines and wrinkles form on our faces. This can result from volume loss, repeated muscle contractions, and/or environmental damage. It’s no wonder cosmetic injectables continue to rise in popularity.

When researching cosmetic injectables, men and women wonder “Xeomin vs. Dysport—how do they differ? What are their benefits and drawbacks?” The truth is both are favored injectable treatments that work well in smoothing facial lines and creases. The toxins paralyze the muscles responsible for specific facial expressions like frowning and squinting.

Though both help people achieve a more youthful look, there are some key differences between Xeomin and Dysport you should know about. Let’s explore them and go over the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

How Do Neurotoxin Cosmetic Injectables Work?

Neurotoxin cosmetic injectables like Xeomin and Dysport relax and smooth the skin. They work by “freezing” muscle contractions in the face. Some use these injections as preventative measures, while others use them to address aging signs.

While the results aren’t permanent, they provide impressive anti-aging results for up to six months. Patients can safely repeat the treatment as necessary to maintain their results.

Overall, cosmetic injectables are an incredible way to enhance your facial features without getting surgery. There’s minimal downtime involved, and you can go back to work after each session.

Xeomin vs. Dysport: Which Is Better?

The choice between the two muscle relaxers comes down to personal preference and individual circumstances. Both Xeomin and Dysport have the neurotoxin botulinum toxin type A, which paralyzes the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. As a result, you look more youthful after each session.

Even though both toxins do the same thing and produce similar results, they have some differences. Let’s take a deeper dive into each:


Xeomin is a potent injectable that targets wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The neurotoxin stops facial muscle activity, making the skin appear smoother and more relaxed.

Since Xeomin is more concentrated, patients don’t need as many units to see amazing results. Though Dysport’s per-unit price is cheaper, it adds up fast given you may need double the number of units. Overall, Xeomin is a more cost-effective option for treating fine facial lines.

Here are some potential pros and cons of using it:

Benefits of Xeomin

  • "Naked toxin"—users are less likely to have allergic reactions to it
  • Concentrated at the injection site gives better precision
  • Fewer units are needed to achieve the same results as Dysport
  • Quick and easy to administer (15-30 minutes)
  • Effects can last 4-6 months

Drawbacks of Xeomin

  • Not a permanent solution
  • Can take longer for full results to manifest (5-7 days)
  • Average price per unit is more than double that of Dysport
  • Not as effective for treating large areas compared to Dysport

Xeomin Before and After

The best way to get an idea of what Xeomin can do for you is to see our patients’ before and after images. Each person with a frowning or squinting resting face appears more relaxed after the injections. Most people experience a noticeable improvement in the smoothness of their skin, with fewer wrinkles.

A clinical study showed that Xeomin is a “well-tolerated and efficacious treatment for glabellar frown lines.” Patients were satisfied with the rapid onset of action and long-lasting effects.1


How Long Xeomin Lasts

Everyone’s body processes neurotoxins differently. In general, Xeomin lasts 4-6 months. But each person will experience unique results.


Dysport is another injectable that diminishes wrinkles and slows aging effects. The main difference is Dysport contains additives, while Xeomin doesn’t. This means people are more likely to experience an allergic reaction to Dysport.

Dysport Pros

  • Faster onset of results (2-3 days)
  • Spreads more from the injection site, making it better for treating larger areas
  • Average price per unit is more affordable than Xeomin

Dysport Cons

  • Not the best option if you need precision
  • Not as potent as Xeomin—you need more units to see the same results
  • Results last for only 3-4 months

Dysport Before and After

Similar to Xeomin, patients who get Dysport notice fewer wrinkles and a more refreshed look afterward. As you can see in the before and after photos, their frown and squint lines become less prominent. Personal results and experiences vary.


Dysport Results

The results of Dysport can vary depending on the individual and the treatment areas. In general, most people notice an impressive improvement in the smoothness and appearance of wrinkles after getting the injections. On average, the effects aren’t as long-lasting as Xeomin. Patients often come back for more injections within three to four months.

Should I Get Xeomin or Dysport?

Both Xeomin and Dysport are effective and trusted anti-aging injectables. But before getting cosmetic injectables, think about your circumstances, goals, and lifestyle. If you’ve previously tried Dysport and either didn’t get desired results or had a reaction to it, it’s worth giving Xeomin a shot. New to both? Some trial and error may help you determine the best fit.

If you’re unsure which to try first, Concierge Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery can provide guidance. Consult with one of our specialists, who will evaluate your skin and learn your cosmetic expectations. From there, we can craft a personalized treatment plan to help you get your desired results.

Xeomin and Dysport in Chicago, IL

Concierge Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery is a top provider of Xeomin and Dysport injections in Illinois. Men and women all over Chicago’s Gold Coast, Naperville, Barrington, and Geneva trust us with their anti-aging procedures. We’ve been providing exemplary customer service and delivering unparalleled results for over ten years.

Book a free consultation to learn more about your cosmetic injectable options. Call 312-255-1495 to begin your journey to youth and radiance today!

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